Weather App

This is an application that gets you the the current weather when you search a city, it can also get you the weather in your current location. this uses geolocation data when allowed by your browser. when you click a city and click enter you get weather conditions search as temperature humidity and the the weather description, the wind speed is also provided. this application is developed using HTML CSS and JavaScript for the front end, the backend uses an external API and JavaScript to manipulate and display the in JSON format. the advantage of JSON is that is light weight and easy to read and write, it's language independent. JSON data is easy to parse and easy to generate. this is why it has been used with may applications to collaborate with external apps weather.PNG this image shows the landing page

weather2.PNG this images weather displayed when the current location button is pressed

image.png the image displays clearing the screen and pressing enter will clear the screen and ask you to search a city.

image.png the image above displays what is returned id an invalid image is typed